April 23, 2014 \ Ananth TM Target Teradata stages Teradata stage Stage type Usage guidelines Parallel read Teradata utility limit Teradata Enterprise Native Parallel 1)Writing a large number of rows in parallel 2)Supports OPEN and CLOSE commands 3)Limited to INSERT (new table) or APPEND (existing table) 4)Subject to the limits of Teradata FastLoad (but also supports APPEND) 5) Locks the target table in exclusive mode Yes applies Teradata MultiLoad (MultiLoad utility) Plug-In 1)Insert, Update, Delete, Upsert of moderate data volumes 2)Locks the target tables in exclusive mode No applies Teradata MultiLoad (MultiLoad utility) Plug-In 1)Insert, Update, Delete, Upsert of moderate data volumes 2)Locks the target tables in exclusive mode No applies Teradata MultiLoad (TPump utility) Plug-In 1) Insert, Update, Delete, Upsert of small volumes of data in a large database 2)Does not lock the target tables 3)Must not be run in parallel, because each node and use counts toward system-wide Teradata utility limit No applies Teradata API Plug-In 1) Insert, Update, Delete, Upsert of small volumes of data 2)Allows concurrent writes (does not lock target) 3)Slower than TPump for equivalent operations Yes none